take your passion and make it happen

Personal Development Coach

Cristina Figler

Welcome! I am so glad you’re here! As a women’s lifestyle coach, I guide women through the process of discovering their most intentional version of themselves while honoring the natural rhythms of their bodies. Through this learning process women have the power to ditch outdated beliefs that no longer serve them, take back their innate and unique wisdom, and embrace a version of themselves that is firmly grounded in self-knowing. 

You’ll find that my coaching style is unique. I pair lifestyle coaching with menstrual cycle awareness. The concept that our menstrual cycles impact the way we show up in the world on a daily basis may be a new concept for you. This was new information for me at one point, too. I remember the feeling in my body as so many moments in my life began to make sense. The understanding that my thoughts, feelings, intuition and overall experience of myself and others from one week to the next was grounded in something natural and accessible to me felt groundbreaking. I wondered, why aren’t women shouting this information from rooftops! 

And that’s why I began this work. Women are divine creations that deserve the kind of self-love, acceptance and strength that can only be achieved when living in harmony with oneself.

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